Episode 12

Published on:

18th Apr 2023

Donna Crossland at the Save Our Old Forests launch

During the Save Our Old Forests campaign launch, forest ecologist Donna Crossland was one of the excellent speakers. This episode features a slightly shortened version of her heart-felt and informative talk, along with a brief overview of this inspiring campaign, which launched in the spring of 2023 in Bridgetown in Nova Scotia (within Mi'kma'ki).

Donna Crossland's primary focus is on protecting healthy Wabanaki-Acadian forest. As a National Park Warden early in her Parks Canada career, protecting ecological integrity ofwoodlands and waters instilled an unrelenting desire to conserve what remains of our natural heritage. She retired from a career as a biologist at Parks Canada and now leads protection of old growth hemlock groves, working to conserve this majestic conifer tree against attack from an invasive insect, Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA). She was the ‘HWA Project Coordinator’ at Kejimkujik, and now holds the same title through the Medway Community Forest Coop. 

Donna has provided key direction on two provincial forestry strategies.

She is the daughter of the last horse logger in her natal community of East Dalhousie.


Save Our Old Forests website , Facebook and Instagram hashtag #saveouroldforests

Suzanne Simard's book Finding the Mother Tree

Global Forest Watch interactive forest and tree cover change data

Provincial landscape viewer

Sion Sound Studio

Show artwork for Shared Ground

About the Podcast

Shared Ground
for thriving forests
Meet knowledge holders, foresters, naturalists, activists, scientists, visionaries, and outdoorsy people of all stripes to share delight in the wonders of forest ecosystems.
We talk about issues of forestry, conservation and interconnected topics, and discover sustainable, ecological, respectful ways of relating to the forest.
Maintaining and regenerating forest ecosystems is one of the most important necessities of our time, and contributes to everything from carbon sequestration to healthy children.

Join Amanda Bostlund as she meets with various folks in Mi’kma’ki (Nova Scotia) and beyond to talk about forests as our shared ground, for all species, humans and not. We explore the incredible value of thriving forests, methods and mindsets for their protection, and regenerative solutions for how we interact with and within them.

One of the main purposes of this podcast is to hear opinions, perspectives and ideas from many different people, and not to treat any of them as the be all and end all. What you hear does not necessarily represent the opinions of the host. The hope is that you consider whatever content you hear for yourself and enjoy the journey of making sense of these complicated, interconnected issues of our time.

Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sharedgroundpodcast/

Support Shared Ground: https://ko-fi.com/sharedground

Podcast artwork was generously provided by Andrew Danylewich of ADJA Studio and Gallery: https://www.adjagallery.com/
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